Premise: Change


  • Must be 30 – 90 seconds long.
  • Students must be currently enrolled in school to qualify for student discount.
  • Must own all intellectual property. SFFF and affiliates not responsible.
  • SFFF & affiliates may use trailer for any and all promotional purposes in the future.
  • Trailer must be a representation of a pilot.
  • Content must show Santa Fe.
  • Story must lend itself to the potential of on going series.
  • Judges will judge based off of creativity and originality.
  • Story must be realistically attainable with time and budget.
  • Pilot must be shot in SF and surrounding areas. Must stay in state.

Submissions open November 10, 2014


  • November 10, 2014 Early Bird Deadline
    • $25 Regular Fee
    • $15 Students
  • November 21, 2014
    • $50 Regular Fee
    • $25 Students
  • December 1, 2014 Final Deadline
    • $100 Regular Fee
    • $50 Students

All fees waived for IATSE 480 members, paid for by IATSE 480.