418 Montezuma Ave, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Thursday, February 23rd at 7:00 PM
Thursday, February 23rd at 7:00 PM
Queering Yoga tells stories of personal transformation and healing through yoga in the Queer, Trans, and QTPOC communities through the lens of decolonizing yoga.
Queering Yoga tells the story of 6 Queer/Trans/QTPOC yoga teachers and their personal stories of healing, transformation, and yoga journey. Themes explored include: What is the intersection of Queer, Trans, and QTPOC identities and yoga? What does empowered and embodied visibility look like for the Queer, Trans, and QTPOC communities? What does it mean to decolonize one’s
yoga practice and why is this important?
Queering Yoga embraces an intersectional lens to explore identity, personal, and community transformation. The film positions Queer/Trans/QTPOC yoga teachers as important voices and leaders in current day yoga conversations and spaces committed to ending racism, homophobia, transphobia, and embracing more inclusivity.
This film has been created with Queer/Trans/QTPOC filmmakers and allies, along with Queer/Trans/QTPOC yoga teachers–a film about our community and by the community!
Ewan Duarte
Ewan Duarte
United States
45m 20s