A beautiful high school game turns personal when Noah, a troubled pitcher, faces his early childhood friend, Aiden, at the plate.
Fueled by years of estrangement, Noah must decide whether a remnant of what once was remains.
A beautiful high school game turns personal when Noah, a troubled pitcher, faces his early childhood friend, Aiden, at the plate.
Fueled by years of estrangement, Noah must decide whether a remnant of what once was remains.
Upon graduating high school, Tyler Kirkpatrick went straight to seminary school, where he watched two films every night while avoiding his homework. Deciding to later continue his education, he continued to deny his calling to film by beginning as an English major. One cinematic elective later, the flood gates opened. Tyler is now a Las Vegas based filmmaker where he was born and raised. He has directed six short films ranging from Romantic Comedies to Coming-Of-Age Sports films. He recently produced the short film “The Man in the Blue Suit” which won Best Action/Adventure film at the San Diego Comic Con.
Tyler Jay Kirkpatrick
Tyler Jay Kirkpatrick
Christopher Ahrendt-Mansilla
Costa Johnson, "Noah" - Quinn Cote, "Aiden" - Ezekiel Marquina Joiner, Production Designer - Hongqi Yao, Cinematographer - Tyler Heminger, Editor -
U.S. A.