107 West Barcelona Road Santa Fe, NM 87505
Sunday February 19th, 6:30 PM–8:30 PM
Shown with Land of the Free: Out of the Shadows
Sunday February 19th, 6:30 PM–8:30 PM
Shown with Land of the Free: Out of the Shadows
Throughout her life she remained in the shadows of her famous husband—a place she was happy to be. Now she emerges. Kasturba Gandhi was wife to an icon of the
20th century. But Mahatma Gandhi, Master of Nonviolence, credited her with teaching him about Nonviolence. A traditional wife and mother, how did she “accidentally” become one of the first women activists in history, leading women into streets and prisons for their rights in South Africa and India, and later become the
“Mother of India”? What is her connection to women activists today? History missed this story. In person: Director Cynthia Lukas.
website: kasturbagandhi.org FB = Kasturba Gandhi Twitter = @CynthiaLukas1 Instagram = Cynthialukas
Cynthia Lukas
Cynthia Lukas
Cynthia Lukas
India, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States
1h 8m 33s