Mining The Unconscious: Jung & The Artist’s Journey

Showtime: Dec 11th, 1:00 PM at the Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe

Art is a numinous human expression of the Sacred.  The film, Mining the Unconscious is a riveting and true celebration of life, as well as a tribute to C.G. Jung’s profound contribution to the field of transpersonal psychology, culture and the language of the collective unconscious. The film depicts the landscape of inner experience in a quest for spiritual and cultural renewal.  Artists excavate stories and revelations in the profound territory of the soul.  While watching this creative process, the viewer is brought into a stunning illumination of transformation and healing, born from dreams, myths and archetypes.

For the filmmaker, the process of collaboration with the painters, sculptors, photographers and storytellers revealed that Nature herself was Muse and primal source of creativity.  As she listened to the developing arc of the movie, she envisioned the film as flowing through Three Acts.  First, the viewer journeys through the process of artist healing Self, then with the artist moving to heal others. Finally, we arrive at the very origins of art – the artist as shaman healing community. On this ground, we find Connectedness. We find Heart. We find Inspiration.


Marcelina Martin

Year Released:






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