

Saturday February 22nd, 5:30 PM

SATURDAY CINEMA 2 Total run time 1:23:14

Featuring acclaimed Albuquerque, New Mexico poet Marcial Delgado, “Savior” is call to action, a cry for help, and ultimately a harsh indictment of U.S. Immigration policy.

Part op-ed, part confrontational oratory, Delgado speaks his truth to a society that routinely vilifies immigrants.

Ray Santisteban

Ray Santisteban (Director Producer) is an award winning documentary filmmaker whose work has aired nationally and internationally on public television. His work focuses on political subjects and artist profiles, addressing the themes of justice, memory and personal transformation. A graduate of NYU’s film and TV program, his documentaries include Voices From Texas (Director, Producer) in 2003, Visiones: Latino Art And Culture In The U.S. (Senior Producer) a three hour PBS series nationally broadcast in Oct. 2004. His hour documentary, The First Rainbow Coalition, was broadcast nationally on the PBS series Independent Lens in 2020. In late 2020, his short video Vincent Valdez: The Beginning is Near, was part of American Masters/Firelight Medias web series: In the Making. In 2021 he was a segment producer on WNET’s nationally broadcast PBS special: Preserving Democracy. Awards garnered include: 1992 Student Academy Award (information division), New York Foundation for the Arts Media Fellowship, 1993, 1996 “Faculty of the Year” Award from the Chicano Studies Program, UW Madison, 2005 Rockefeller Film and Video Fellowship, a 2008 San Antonio Artists Foundation Award, and a 2016 Tobin Award for Artistic Excellence. In 2017 he garnered Firelight Media Documentary Fellowship. He lives in San Antonio, Texas.


Ray Santisteban


Marciel Delgado


Ray Santisteban


Marciel Delgado

Year Released:



U.S. A.



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