The Russian invasion of Ukraine created an avalanche of abandoned dogs and cats that are now multiplying causing unforseen consequences.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine created an avalanche of abandoned dogs and cats that are now multiplying causing unforseen consequences.
Olha Byrledianu
Olha Byrledianu is a director, producer and writer from Ukraine, who had to flee the war in February 2022. Olha has graduated from film schools in Ukraine, Czech Republic and Canada, where she has directed four short films: “Zugzvang” (Ukraine, 2021); “Marta” (Czech Republic, 2022); “Bullshit” (Canada, 2023); “Pixie” (Canada, 2023). “War Tails” documentary is Olha’s feature debut.
I love storytelling for deep diving into story and creating characters, that become real.
Olha Byrledianu, (Marta, Bullshit, Pixie)
Olha Byrledianu
Dan Fine
Khrystyna Drahomaretska, "Khrystyna" - Dan Fine, "Dan" - Adam Parascandola, "VP Humane Society International" - Charles Rupprecht, "Dr. Rupprecht" - Natalia Sokolova, "Ukrainian Vet" - Ilya Ptashnyi, "Natasha" - Pavel Burkatskij, "Pasha" - Brovko Taras, "Brovko" - Anna Kurkurina, "Anna" - Dariia Pisnia, "Dasha" - Maria Goncharenko, "Masha" - Tana Axtelle, "Tana" - Yefimenko Oleksandr, "Sasha" - Kyrylo Shupyk, "Kyrylo" - Dmytro Lytvynenko, "Dmytro" - Vadim Terentye, "Vadim" - Yaroslav Oliynyk, "Driver" - Matt Adams, "Matt" - Alex Orda, "UWARF Board Memeber" - Kyrylo Shupyk, Cinematographer - Dmytro Lytvynenko, Cinematographer - Nathan Lee, Cinematographer (Brave by Eris) - Zach Anders, Field Producers - Igor Naluvaiko, Field Producers - Bryce Iwaschuk, Editor (The Star of Therapy, Flu, myPhone, Grandma Lee's Dress, OCD) - Piotr Nowotnik, Composer (The Journey, Torn Devotion, One Night, Housemates) - Dan McComb, Advisors - Chris Terrill, Advisors (War Torn Warriors) - Mike Gosselin, Advisors (Musical The Unraveling) - Tim Girvin, Logo Design (Lord of the Rings) - Selena Caamano, Creative Input - Svitlana Mysak, Translation and Subtitles - Lelyzaveta Sokolovska, Translation and Subtitles - Louis Valente, Coordination - Lucas Diaz, Technical and Software - Veronika Kotyk, Poster and Web Design - Babych Oleksandr, Sound Engineer - Christopher Cleator, Sound Engineer (Gone Fishing, Gesture, Breaking Point, Golden Bear)
Canada, Ukraine
…a powerful reminder of just how inhumane and brutal this war perpetrated by Russia has been for the people of Ukraine. The innumerable abandoned animals are shadowed by the untold human tragedies and atrocities that led their owners to flee.
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“A heroic effort to sterilize and vaccinate dogs in Ukraine, and halt the spread of rabies ”
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