A little boy, fascinated by the legend that the white keys on the old Steinway piano, which “lives” in his parents’ house, are made of elephant tusks, dreams every night of meeting the gray giants one day and never being separated from them…This desire grows from day to day along with the lullaby that his mother sings to him, because there are words in it: “You are special!”

The fate of the hero of the film turned out to be such that his life turned out to be full of hopes and disappointments…
He is not old yet, but the meaning of life gradually fades into the distance and loneliness becomes a sad reality…
The only “friend” who never cheated on him, an ancient instrument – the keeper of the white keys, and the memory of the “gray giants”, still lives in his house…
Who will Steinway get to when he is gone?

And one day everything changes: the hero accidentally enters a small bar to drink the usual glass of absinthe, and pays attention to the lack of music. He offers the bartender an adventurous venture, he agrees, and the very next day the antique instrument moves to the bar.
Now every evening our hero plays for visitors trying to fill his life with meaning and desires again. One evening, he remembers his mother, her lullaby, and his fingers begin to play familiar chords themselves…
Suddenly, a young woman appears from the semi–darkness of the hall, sits down next to him and … his mother’s song with the words “You are special” bursts into his tired heart, bringing with it both pain and comfort…
Life is slowly fading away, but now he knows exactly to whom he leaves “his elephants” and his Steinway…