Arctic: Change at the Top of the World

Showtime: Dec 8th, 1:00 PM at the Jean Cocteau Cinema

Philanthropist and filmmaker Charles Annenberg Weingarten and the Explore team set out on a philanthropic fact-finding mission to the Arctic. Steeped in history and tradition, the Arctic is a cold, vast and astonishing expanse of land and sea at the top of the planet.

Join Charlie and Iqaluit Mayor Elisapee Sheutiapik as they meet the region’s people, learn about Inuit culture and explore how their fragile ecosystem and time-honored way of life are faring in the face of global warming.

Charles and the Explore team concentrate their exploration in Northeast Canada and Greenland, where they visit with scholars, scientists and Inuit inhabitants young and old. A visually stunning journey, CHANGE AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD depicts how Arctic life is evolving with the melting of the ice, the encroachment of the modern world, and the acceleration of the international race for control of resources. As Charlie and the crew discover, this fragile and remote part of the planet will never be the same.


Charles Annenberg Weingarten

Year Released:



USA | Iceland



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