Crab Bucket

Based on the phrase “if I can’t have it, neither can you”. A drug addict assures the collective demise, behaving like a crab trapped at the bottom of a bucket.

The analogy in human behavior is claimed to be that members of a group will attempt to reduce the self-confidence of any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of envy, resentment, spite, conspiracy, or competitive feelings, to halt their progress

Director Biography – Doug Rivenbark

This Bio is about Post-Production Director and Editor

“Matthew Livingston”

Matthew Livingston is an indigenous filmmaker from Sundance, New Mexico. He recently completed the Film Technician certificate from the Central New Mexico Community College program. And is continuing his filmmaking journey to pursue a career as a Director of Photography and Gaffer in the Film Industry


Doug Rivenbark


Grub Graebner

Year Released:



United States



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