In the tiny castle town of Berat, Albania, each family is bustling in preparation for a grand turkey feast for tonight’s New Year’s celebration. A sensitive and restless young boy, overlooked by his parents and rejected by his schoolyard peers, finds himself on an adventure of a lifetime when he accidentally lets the wily family turkey – tonight’s main course – escape the pen, leading to a thrilling chase throughout the labyrinthine cobblestone fortress, which will take both adversaries to their wits’ end. With every epic twist and turn, the question remains: Who will prevail: boy or bird?
Director Biography – Michael Risley
Michael Risley is a former actor having starred in Revolution #9 with Adrienne Shelly and Spalding Gray. After starting Drive Films with partner Kyle Mann they have produced Edge of Winter starring Joel Kinnaman and Tom Holland and The New Romantic starring Jessica Barden. The Last Supper is Michael’s directorial debut and is based loosely off of his Albanian wife’s childhood.