418 Montezuma Ave, Santa Fe, NM. 87501
Thursday, April 25th, 8:00 PM

Native American Blues/Rock band BLUE MOUNTAIN TRIBE honors family and loved ones left behind with the grief and loss of thousands of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women.

Thursday, April 25th, 8:00 PM
Native American Blues/Rock band BLUE MOUNTAIN TRIBE honors family and loved ones left behind with the grief and loss of thousands of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women.
Jeremy Gredone
Bonnie Matta, Karon Altman
Michael Altman
This short video is extremely well done, and serves well as a wake-up call, although is lacks more specific information within the video. I do understand, visually, but this is like a teaser, a promotional video, part of a longer vision. Ideally, this includes personal stories, as well as information on why this is happening, but this can be found on their website, or using the phone number in the video.
I’d like to know how they plan to fulfill the dram of justice, not only for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG), but for the National Inquiry they propose. That inquiry would cover all forms of violence, gathering many stories from many people, and to honestly tell the the truth through education, turning grief into action, as they state their purpose. Sounds very ambitious. Is it possible? See: https://mmiwg-ffada.ca.